Team Building

Team Building with the Great Room Escape

Is your company looking for a new and unique form of team building that will bring your employees closer together? Great Room Escape is a fun and interactive experience that is sure to make your team more effective.

In The Great Room Escape, your team is put in a room and must work together to solve a series of clues and riddles to escape. Your group gets one hour to escape, so communication skills of team members will truly be tested as the clock ticks and tension builds.

After working together in one of our escape rooms, your team is sure to be more effective, more productive, and more fun!

Great Room Escape has often helped employers discover their employees’ differing natural strengths. Employees test the room to see just how well their team can communicate and work under pressure. Often, individuals take on certain roles instinctively when under pressure. You just might find a hidden skill from an employee that your never knew was there! This information can be invaluable for corporate clients, After completing an escape room, teams can become more productive, better at communicating, and more aware of each other’s strengths. If your team can make it through the tension of Great Room Escape, every day stress at the office will be no problem!

If you’re going to book your team building activity during our regular business hours then there is no need to contact us. Just book like you would if you were attending as a regular customer.

If you are looking to book a team building activity outside of regular business hours, please keep in mind that you have to book a minimum of at least 16 people. Please fill out our reservation request and we will contact you with in 72 hours. If you have less than 16 people please choose a time that would be within our regular business hours.

Reservations for Team Building Events should be made at least 7 days in advance however, same day bookings may be possible if there are openings.

Reservation Request

Simply fill out the form below with your details, preferred date, and any questions or requests and we’ll get back to you!

Or call us at: (801) 546-6446